'One should always have a definite objective in a walk. It is much more satisfying to reach a target by personal effort than to wander aimlessly. An objective is an ambition and life without ambition is .....well aimless wandering ''Alfred Wainwright.
Autumn in the lakes and the Thirlmere valley in October 2015 to continue with the AW’s Central Fells of the Lake District and my only company on these walks is Sam my dog. Having driven up from Derbyshire and now I am where I want to be at Thirlmere Reservoir 3.5 miles long and was dammed in 1889 from two natural lakes and then planted up with larch and spruce. I was now in one of the many car parking spaces around the reservoir
25th October 2015
Day 1 Bleaberry Fell, High Seat
Starting from Castlerigg I set out along the road to Rakefoot to leave the road for the path to Walla Crag on this nice dry autumn day but overcast I had to check the view over Derwentwater again as I enjoyed so much on my last visit here. Gone was the shades of green from spring when last I sat here on Walla Crag now yellows and browns of autumn.
Back on course now for the summit of Bleaberry Fell a steady climb up through grass and heather to the summit with good all round views of the fells on this grey day, at 520 m (1,940ft).
Bleaberry summit |
I did not stop long before I pushed on to my next summit High Seat what was just under the two-mile mark. AW did not recommend this short walk to High Seat because of the bogs, but I did not have a problem with it.
I soon reached the summit of High Seat at 608 m (1,995ft) and hear I stopped to rest.
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High Seat summit |
After my rest I set off downhill into Borrowdale valley walking through heather and enjoying the views of Derwentwater as the landscape changed from the browns of heather to yellows and greens as I enter the woodlands Ashness Gill and also many other walkers in this area I stopped to have lunch and take some photos of Ashness Bridge, this is a popular photographed packhorse bridge with its stunning views.
Ashness Bridge |
Back on my walk now heading towards Walla Crag and Cat Gill, I started my descent into Cat Gill and then into the woodlands of Great Wood. There were a few climbers who I stood and watched as they made their ascent of Walla Crag. The last part of the walk took me back into open fields and views of Keswick as I finished off back at Castlerigg.
Raven’s Crag evening walk
This short evening walk came about after few hours rest after my last walk and having made something to eat and now all done and relaxing in the back of my van I decided on what day light I had left and made on decision to do this short walk.
From the road you head into the trees and follow a forest track through larch trees with their autumn colours plantations and climb steadily to the summit I was looking for the remains of the hill fort but there was no sign of it, the trees cleared for the summit and the view of Thirlmere.I found a place to sit with my dog and check the gray evening view, with only the trees showing any colour.
Day 2 High Tove and Armboth Fell
For today’s walk was a short drive to Armboth car park, I parked up on this morning of sunny spells and got myself ready for this walk and set off with Sam the dog, and found the bridleway signposted Watendlath.
Climbing up through bracken and around large boulders, some just balancing on their edge. I worked my way onto open fell as more height is gained the ground becomes more boggier working my way around these I see the heather top of High Trove come into view.
With wide open views I aimed for the summit now on drier ground as I reached the summit cairn and have my first rest.
The next part of the walk was on a compass bearing as I could see no path on the ground but Armboth could be seen to the south east so I headed back so far down the path then turned off to head for Armboth Fell the going was quiet easy walking on grass finding the summit was not straight forward just few stones here and there and one large boulder marking the summit.
Fisher Crag was my next destination it soon came into but getting to it was not straight-forward more bogs to navigate around and it was pathless, I made to the gate and found the summit a small pile of stones marking the spot, I then went to find the view of Thirlmere and somewhere to sit and rest on this lovely sunny afternoon.
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Summit view |
Thirlmere from Fisher Crag |
This turns out to what is left of Armboth Hall summerhouse a cracking place and stopped another rest.
Back on the walk as the track took me back to the road and car park and the end of the walk.
Day 3 Launchy Gill
Today walk was a short one, as I move down the western shore line of Thirlmere I found a lay-by to park. And went into the woodlands what where full of colour on this autumn day, I started the small climb along Launchy Gill with its small waterfalls this turn into gill scribbling because the wooded walk way was blocked by a fallen tree, I never let things like deter me from walk. It was a beautiful gill full of mosses, lichens and ferns.
I left the gill and went in search of the Tottling Stone, soon came across it and stopped to have a break and enjoy the view.
Tottling Stone |
The return path was much easier back to the road and the ends to an enjoyable little walk.
A nice night had by my portable fire chilling and thinking about what I done so far under a moonlit sky I have never had fear of being alone in such a dark and remote place, I feel more at home living like this outdoors .
Day 4 Ullscarf
I parked up at Steel End and started the walk up the Wythburn Valley on this nice sunny morning and another day of not seeing anyone, doing these walks mid-week as been a joy of solitude.As you follow the Wythburn Valley up to the upper valley the Wythburn Head Tarns and you come to an area known as the Bog a lovely area of moraines and bogs,
AW said “The Bog is an extensive swamp probably once a tarn, and now a desolation and sinister appearance.
I stopped for a short break, to take the area in.
Back on the walk to the head of the valley and up to Greenup Edge and with the views opening up all around me and finding the fence line made my way to the summit of Ullscarf and time to stop and rest and enjoy the view. AW says that Ullscarf sits in the centre of central fells with good views to the west and north, east the Helvellyn range. And good views south.
From the summit I made my way down to Standing Crag and then into woodland and Harrop Tarn and another stop to rest and enjoy the setting of Harrop Tarn. The last part of the walk down Dob Gill to the road and walk back to Steel End.
Another good holiday over and done with all the planned walks now completed and the end to the Thirlmere Valley, I have had good weather and my evenings living out of the back of my van worked well and Sam the dog as loved the freedom of the open fells, next mission will be Grasmere and the Langdale Pikes to plan for next year.